Sunday Worship

The 9am
Our 9am service has traditional and modern styles of worship blended with a Biblical teaching as we learn how to follow Jesus together. Children are welcome although there is no formal children's team.Each service is different - we share Communion together on alternate weeks and we have refreshments after the service. We also offer prayer ministry after each service. All are welcome to join us in our worship.

The 10:30am
We are intentionally informal. We worship God, using a mixture of contemporary music and well-known hymns and then usually have a time of prayer, a reading from the bible and a talk. Once a month, usually on the third Sunday we have a Communion service and, on the second Sunday, we have a service that is specifically designed for all age groups.
Wednesday 11am
Our service on a Wednesday at 11am is in the Chapel and involves a varied menu of worship, with thoughts and reflections, along with prayer and worship, reflecting the life of St Peter’s. Once a month (usually on the 2nd Wednesday) we share Holy Communion together, knowing that we do so in a place that thousands have done before us, over a thousand years. Wednesday is a special time in a special place – and all are welcome.

Behold, I am doing a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? Isaiah 43:19
Wellspring meets at 8.30am each weekday morning in the Chapel and offers the opportunity to meet with others for a half hour of worship, reading scripture and praying together, to start the day. Each day we discover new insights, hear God speaking through the Bible and each other, and bring to Him the day ahead. All are very welcome to join us!
Musical worship is one of our major ministries. The power of music to connect directly with the heart is well recognised here.
The music we use across the church is delivered by groups of musicians and singers, or bands, and is contemporary and relevant. The role of Worship Leader, or lead worshipper, is well established, and they are expected to be fully part of the church at large, as well as taking up that special responsibility when required. We are always seeking to refresh and expand our musical worship-leading ministry, especially for the younger members of our church, and we regard a true heart for worship to be equal in importance to musical excellence.
Get involved
If you would like to get involved and join one of our Worship bands, we would love to hear from you! Please contact the Parish Office for more information on
01252 912761